Sterling silver

14K Gold Body 14K* Sterling Keys (*14K Rose gold flute with silver keys includes a 14K Lip plate, riser and crown)
Light wall
Heavy wall

14K Gold solid
Light wall
Heavy wall

Light tube .012, Heavy .014.

All flutes come with a velvet-lined leather case, cover, cleaning rod, and polishing cloth.


Solid gold

  • 10K Rose gold tube with 14K Lip plate riser and crown
  • 14K Rose gold
  • 14K White gold tube with 14K rose gold embouchure
  • 19.5K Rose gold tube with 14K rose gold embouchure
  • 22K Rose gold tube with 14K Rose gold embouchure


  • Platinum tube with 14K embouchure and crown
  • Platinum tube with platinum riser and 14k lip plate
  • Platinum riser for silver or gold headjoints

Sterling silver

  • Sterling silver .016 or .014 wall tube
  • Sterling silver 14k Rose gold riser
  • 14k Rose gold lip plate and riser
  • 14k Rose gold crown

Any custom choice or combination of gold, platinum and silver are available upon request.


  • 14K gold rings
  • C# trill key
  • G-insert for high E
  • Split-E mechanism
  • 14K gold tone holes


Emanuel Flutes are available with either of two scales: Albert Cooper’s masterpiece or William Bennett’s scale. Many players prefer the Cooper Scale, claiming it to be best suited to their playing. Others insist on the Bennett Scale. Many flutemakers offer variants on either scale, but we are not aware of other flutemakers who offer a choice of both .


The pads on Emanuel flutes, after much experimentation with many types, are the best we could find. With great sonority, playability and stability they in general require minimal maintenance (once a year in most climates depending on the weather). The pads on average last more than 12 years before they need to be replaced. The pads we use are softer than some, producing for most players a very good feel, enhancing the flute’s playability, with the warm and expressive sound that is our hallmark.


We recommend that you return your instrument annually to Emanuel Flutes for a Clean/Oil/Adjust servicing